Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Situational Impact?

Something I've been considering lately is impact. After an exchange a couple of months ago with another referee I've wondered about how we judge impact. Is it just on the skater, or is it more contextual. Can the same action, with the same impact on the individual, have a variable impact on the game. Because it's the impact on the game we're supposed to assess penalties based on, not just the individual.

For example:
Jammer A exits the pack and gets positionally blocked by Opposing Blocker C, 23 feet out from the pack. This continues for about three seconds, but no contact is made, and the Jammer eventually scoots out to the outside and gets past her, reasonably unopposed.

Second Example:
Jammer A exits the pack three feet behind the Lead Jammer B and gets positionally blocked by Opposing Blocker C, 23 feet out from the pack. This continues for about three seconds, and while no contact is made, it extends the difference between Jammer A and Jammer B from 3 feet to 30'. As a result, Jammer B has considerably more time after she "hits it" before she has to "quit it". In a very close game, this could decide the result

So what say you? Did this same action, with the same duration, have differing impact because of the situation?